Action should be taken against VC and Registrar

Warangal (KCN):

The KU student JAC has demanded that the state government should immedia tely sack the registrar of Kakatiya Unive rsity VC Ramesh, who was responsible for the attack on the students. NDLC organized a media conference in this premises under the auspices of JAC of KU students’ associations. KU JACK Chairman Tirupati Yadav said in the program.VC demanded to answer 10 questions from KU JACK. Isn’t it true that in PHC category-1 only full-time research scholars who are eligible for fellowship, NET and SET were interviewed for admis sons and then after money changed han ds, UGC changed the rules with Deans against the bindings and forced them to sign them and gave PhDs to part emplo yees? Is it not true that the admissions are held in violation of the court even if the high court has stayed the admissi ons not to hold the admissi ons again as the category-1 admissions are illegal? Registrar Venkat Ram Reddy is not true to the High Court for contem pt of court? Is it true that the Category-II examination paper was prepared indep endently of the University Board of Stud ies and tens of questions were printed wrongly in ea ch section? The results of such exams are sticking to the students and denying them seats. Isn’t it true? If the student leaders talk about the mistak es in the category-2 question paper, they will file cases. Isn’t it true? Isn’t it true that the interview committees conducted interv iews in accordance with you so that they don’t get seats..? Kummukkai Land Committee report with land grabb ers (Pendli Ashok Babu) for approval by Governing Council despite submission of Land Committee report on KU land gra bbersPalla Rajeshwar Reddy and the members of the governing bodyCall and tame them and land committeeTrying to change the report is not true..?Professor on 19-07-2010 and date 23.07.2019
10 as on (Last date to apply as VC
Apply for VC before completing years.
Isn’t it true that Rajeswara Reddy’s room mate is illegally becoming a VC and tak ing our lives? Isn’t it true that there is a case in the High Court? Do you have the guts to resign as VC till the judgment of the case? Or is it not true to commit this corruption within the judgment? Univers ity Act. By violating the provisions of Sec tion 15.1, appointing a retired professor as registrar and placing him in other key positions, you sign your corruption with him. Isn’t it true..? Isn’t it true that 16 reti red professors were appointed as adju nct faculty contrary to UGC rules and state government orders and embezzled crores of rupees..? Is it not a fact that they have appointed those who have a criminal record and who are registrars in other universities? Isn’t it true that if the then KU registrar three-man committee sacked Anveshi, who ran a scam of lakhs by taking money from students and was hing challans in the women’s PG college, the money changed hands with Palla Rajeswara Reddy and again appointed that employee in the examination depar tment and committed corruption…? Isn’t it true that Professor Sadananda was transferred from Kothagudem Engin eeri ng College to KU after money changed hands and he was involved in corrup tion..? He was asked if it is true that Pehenry appointed him in the interview committees and gave marks to the stu dent leaders without getting seats. Isn’t it true that the VC is trying to take disci plinary action against the students by appointing whoever they like as depar tment heads against the university law? Ph.D. seats are given to the student leaders in Sociology Department, Mathe matics, Physics, Botany and who are suitable for VC in the interview Isn’t it true that Professor Mallareddy, who was appointed in the mathematics depa rtment, was appointed as the prin cipal of the engineering college again…

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