AMA SANSKRUTI competition award ceremony

Bhubaneswar, (KCN):
Under the efforts and supervision of Mrs. Geeta Tripathy and Tridib Tripathiy AMA SANSKRUTI quiz and yoga competition was held for the

awareness and reawakening of the ancient Indian culture in the local Satyananda Yoga School with the students of different schools of the capital. A prize distribution ceremony has been held in the school premises for the successful contestants. On this occasion, the director of the school, Swami Swarupananda Saraswati, enlightened the students present on how yoga can make life healthy and beautiful. President of the school Mrs. Sudatta Patnaik said that the antiquity and characteristics of Indian culture are based on moral values ​​and should be protected. Mr. Sanjay Nanda discussed with the students about communal life style and wisdom of ancient Indian culture. In order to create enthusiasm and interest in the ancient Indian knowledge, which is being lost in the interest of modernity, the said competition was held from the month of July under the direct supervision of Mrs. Geeta Tripathi among the students of 35 schools of the capital. A total of 46 of them have been awarded. In senior category quiz, Biswajit Naik of Unit-1 Government High School, Arohan Mahapatra of Mothers Public School Unit-1 and Tanmay Tathagat of Mothers Public School Khandagiri jointly won the first prize and Aditi Aishwariya Seth of BJEM School won the first prize. In the junior category, Anwesha Mishra of Mothers Public School Unit-1 and Meera Jasmin of Yoga Central School No.1 won the first position. The tripathy couple expressed that they want to involve more and more students in our cultural program in the coming years.

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