World suicide prevention day celebrated By MANAM FOUNDATIONBhubaneswar ( KCN) :

[21:44, 9/9/2024] N Pabitra Sir: Manam Foundation is a non-profit organisation working in the field of Mental Health treatment, awareness, education, training and advocacy.

As part of its campaign for World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 [Theme: Changing the Narrative on suicide and start the conversation] had conducted a seminar workshop on 31st August 2024 at the Conference Hall of the Commisionerate of Police.

The participants were from diverse groups across profession, age, and gender. They participated in a unique platform to exchange ideas on suicide prevention and co create strategies through different methods.

Innovative methods such as Role-play and group presentations on the issue of suicide and suicide prevention in their respective fields were adopted.

The workshop was showcased at an event on the 9th of September 2024 at Bhanja Kala Mandap. Police Commissioner Shri Sanjeeb Panda was the Chief Guest. A unique dance drama based on mental health and suicide by Broadway Studio was one of the highlights of the evening. Other dignitaries of the Event were Ms. Mala Mishra-Pro-chairperson DPS Kalinga, Dr. Amrit Pattojoshi, Honorary Secretary Indian Psychiatric Society, Dr. Shridhar Muralidharrao Kadam-Director IIPH, Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda-CSR Head Tata Steel who shared their valuable inputs on suicide prevention.

The Director Of Manam Foundation Dr. Anuradha Mahapatra presided over the meeting and Trustee Member cum Chief
[21:44, 9/9/2024] N Pabitra Sir: Plz update

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